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Oct 28, 2020

Is this Woman Evolve or Name that Tune? We don’t know who has convinced SJR she can sing, but either way WE are here for it! This week we delve into the world of relationships. Whether you’re single and waiting or married and scheduling, SJR dares to talk about S-E-C-K-S and debit cards…don’t worry, it’ll make...

Oct 21, 2020

This week SJR forgot her feelings box next to the crumbled red velvet cake, and left rescuing and Woman Dissolve up to the delegation. 
Weddings are getting shut down but communities were built up. Today’s episode challenged us to switch out our shattered glasses and to see things differently through a much clearer...

Oct 14, 2020

There’s a lot to sing about in this episode and SJR has been warming up her vocals to bring us some original lyrics. With an occasional mic drop, we still pressed on with our usual program. In this episode, the delegation came prepared to rescue the saints that have been out here eve’ing. What is Eve’ing? It can...

Oct 8, 2020

SJR starts this week with a Woman Dissolve testimony. Somehow we still ended up talking about fried chicken. Does communication by any means necessary include petty means? You decide.
If you’re feeling distant from God or having a hard time settling into your life we’ve got advice and snacks to help you on your...